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Name / Constellation

Sh2 157

Other: LBN 537


Coordinates AR: 23h 16m 04s - Dec: +60° 02′ 06″
Optics Takahashi FSQ 106N APO Fluorite F5 - 60/220 guiding refractor
Camera-Mount SBIG STF8300M - Orion StarShot Guider - 10Micron GM2000 QCI Mount
Filters Baader Ha-Oxy3_Sul2
  • H.alpha
  • Oxygen III
  • Sulfur II
  • 30 x 900 sec - 7 h 30 min
  • 33 x 900 sec - 8 h 15min
  • 33 x 900 sec - 8 h 15min
Location / Date Promiod (Valle D'Aosta-Italy) "TLP" Remote Observatory - 7/26 oct 2021
Seeing 2.5-3" @ 2.1 arcosec/pixel unbinned
Note SHO palette
Acquisition MaxIm DL - CCD Autopilot5 - CCDCommander
Processing Adobe Photoshop CS6 -

Sh2-157 is a weak emission nebula but of considerable extension visible in the constellation of Cassiopeia; it is located on the Arm of Perseus and is directly connected with the great association OB Cassiopeia OB2. The northern part of the cloud has a ring shape, caused by the action of the stellar wind of several giant stars, while the southern sector appears excited by the luminous radiation of stars of spectral class O. Inside is a cluster of very young stars, representing the latest generation of a star-forming process that includes the Cas OB2 association itself and the nearby open cluster NGC 7510.